Friday, March 22, 2013

The Lot

Went to check out the lot today.  When we original purchased it 5 years ago, I went ahead and had a survey done, as well as well and septic locations flagged.  Needed to be sure they still were.

While I was there, I took a couple of pictures of the creek in the back...

And there is a lot of construction outside of our neighborhood.  I personally think it's great since there wasn't much there before hand.  Wife isn't too happy with a Wal-mart coming in, but I certainly am :)  It's not really that close to us, we are nestled back in a few neighborhoods which is all deeply wooded, but the Wal-mart is coming on the major highway that leads away from our neighborhood.


Banks have really tightened up requirements for owner-builders.  Basically, unless you are a GC you can forget it.  And you need to own your property now outright.  Well, as of a few days ago, both have been checked off the list! :)

Official Plans

We got our official plans back a few months ago, here they are in impossibly small print to make out any details ;)...